Haeliana, age 11, is changing the face of homelessness.
Haeliana standing with Founder, Dean Dodd.
Haeliana Halloran, age 11, gets it. She "saw a need and filled it", and in the process, is encouraging others to do the same.
Recently, she wrote an essay on local heroes for The Peace Essay Contest. Her hero? Dean Dodd, Founder of Church In The Park and the Shower and Laundry Shuttles that serve the homeless here in our community. Winning an "Honorable Mention", we've included Haeliana's essay below so you can read for yourself how she's captured the heart and soul of this vital ministry and outreach in our community.
It’s one thing to write something positive, and it’s quite another to go and do something about it. Haeliana’s words inspired her to start a toothbrush and toothpaste drive at her school. As a result, she encouraged others to contribute 275 toothbrushes and 89 tubes of toothpaste to help the homeless and those less fortunate.
Give her essay a read … it’s powerful! And be SURE to watch the video below!
Way to go Haeliana! At 11, you are helping to change the face of homelessness here in our community! On behalf of everyone at Church In The Park, and The Shower and Laundry Shuttle, thank you for being an example for others to follow!